Outlet Wine-list Engineering and Stock Management

wine list and inventory management

If we at IWBS had a penny for every badly written wine list in the country, we would have retired long ago. But we are still in business and ironically, the hardest time and the longest meetings we have are to convince outlets why they need a new wine list!

The IWBS team already handles the wine scenario for several prestigious F&B establishments nationally and so far, we haven’t had people abandon ship for lack of service or aptitude.

Allow us then, dear restaurateur or hotelier, to show you how we can help change the profile of your outlet and increase the satisfaction quotient for your clients just by tweaking the wine list. Normally, this is how it works. We come in, we try the food, look at the current wine lists and mark out the anomalies. Then we make a plan to move out the stock we don’t wish to see again. Simultaneously we train the staff. The new list is gradually put in place, pairings are proposed and the staff is made to memorise it all. It all ends with a nice gala where the patrons are invited to try the new improved experience with us to guide everyone through it all. Normally, and in all modesty, we manage Fairy tale endings.

wine list and stock inventory management

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